
FAQs About Dentures

When you lose a single tooth, we may recommend a dental bridge or possibly even an individual dental implant. However, what happens if you’re missing a majority of your teeth, or all of them? In these situations, we may recommend a full or partial prosthetic. Do you have questions about our dentures? […]

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Need to Complete Your Smile After Suffering Tooth Loss?

Think that senior adults are the only ones to suffer from tooth loss? If so, think again. There is no age requirement for struggling with an incomplete smile. Trauma, tooth decay, and gum disease can all cause tooth loss. If unaddressed, some dental issues including gum disease can even cause total loss of teeth. Fortunately, […]

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Tired of Tooth Sensitivity? Talk to Your Dentist

Are you growing tired of altering your diet, all based on your teeth’s noticeable tooth sensitivity? While you might want to ignore the issue, hoping it will simply go away, the teeth lack the ability to repair themselves when damaged. That means you are more likely to struggle with increasing dental issues, including the possibility […]

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