Many individuals dread the idea of needing restorative dental treatment. If you have cavities or other oral health problems, they will necessitate additional treatment. Don’t dread additional treatment like dental fillings, because dental fillings will help your teeth get back to their best. Plus, putting off dental fillings will only lead to more extensive oral […]
Detecting Oral Health Problems Early Is Key
With nearly any sort of medical condition, catching the problem early on is best for your outlook as a patient. That’s absolutely true when it comes to all kinds of oral health problems. Tooth decay is a progressive condition that continues to get worse over time. That means that the longer you go without realising […]
What Are You Doing to Stop Cavities?
Cavity formation is something that happens slowly over time, and it’s not something you’re likely to see with the naked eye. That means that in order to prevent cavities, you have to take proactive steps and be consistent at home. Taking small steps on a daily basis, and even throughout the day, can help you […]
Choose a Cosmetic Approach to Dental Treatment
Dental treatment can be divided into several different branches of care. General dentistry focuses on preventive treatment, children’s dentistry, and problems like bruxism. Restorative dentistry includes dental fillings and crowns to repair damaged teeth. This coincides with prosthetic dentistry, which uses prosthetics to repair tooth loss. There’s also cosmetic dentistry, which focuses on the appearance […]
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A Dental Bridge Will Have You Smiling Again
Tooth loss disrupts your smile in both a literal and figurative sense. When you lose one or more teeth, you have a physical gap in your smile. Missing teeth stand out in pictures and in face-to-face interactions. In a figurative sense, the trauma that accompanies tooth loss can lead to embarrassment and discomfort that prevents […]
Ensuring Your Dental Crown Fits
When something is off with your teeth, you can feel it. Whether there’s a piece of food stuck somewhere or you’re experiencing oral pain, you know when something isn’t quite right. That’s because your bite is a finely tuned machine. If a piece (a tooth) of that machine isn’t working just right, it causes problems […]
Does a Root Canal Have to Be Painful?
Root canal treatment has a reputation for being one of the more unpleasant dental experiences that you can have. That’s because the procedure involves accessing the interior of your tooth that lies deep beneath your gum line. Root canal treatment can be uncomfortable if left in the wrong hands, however, the right dental care situation […]
Teeth Staining Happens Over Time
The yellowing of your teeth may concern you. No one likes to have a smile that is off-color and unphotogenic. If you’re worried about your teeth staining for medical reasons, you probably don’t need to be. Some forms of intrinsic staining (stains that come from inside the teeth) can be cause for medical concern, but […]
Dental Implants Have Fewer Restrictions
If you’ve suffered from tooth loss, you want to replace your missing teeth so that you can get back to smiling and eating comfortably. A dental prosthetic can restore your missing teeth, allowing you to recover. Different dental prosthetics can be used to address different degrees of tooth loss, but they don’t all have the […]
You’re Causing Problems for Yourself by Ignoring Cavities
If you enjoy getting dental work done on damaged teeth, you’re in the minority of patients. Most people don’t enjoy having procedures, like dental fillings, done to fix their teeth. They find them uncomfortable, intimidating, and a burden to schedule. However, ignoring an issue like a cavity now can cause you real problems in the […]
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