In the aftermath of serious tooth loss, you can have a number of concerns about your quality of life even after prosthetic treatment. If you depend on a removable denture, you can feel relief at regaining your smile, but you can have understandable worries about limitations in your diet, issues with your restoration feeling insecure, […]
Category: Restorative Dentistry
Should A Crown Or Veneer Restore My Tooth?
If you receive a permanent restoration for a problem tooth, you can stop worrying about its appearance. This is true for people who have teeth that are misshapen, injured, the wrong color, or flawed in other ways. Depending on the type of care provided to you, your restoration can also have long-term benefits for your […]
Taking On Multiple Smile Flaws
When a person has a specific smile flaw that they want to treat, they can feel comfortable asking about cosmetic dentistry. However, when they have several problems with the way they look, which can include oral health as well as cosmetic issues, they can feel intimidated by the idea of care. At our West Allis, […]
How Crown Lengthening Can Benefit You
There are different services that our West Allis, WI dentist can offer to patients who are looking to improve their appearance and oral health. You can find yourself surprised at just how many ways there are for us to make positive changes to your smile, but it can be a relief to learn that we […]
Treating An Unhealthy Tooth With A Lifelike Crown
If your tooth is in poor health, it will remain in a vulnerable state until you arrange the appropriate restorative treatment. One of the advantages of regular preventive appointments is that you can receive warnings about dental decay when treatment with a filling is still possible. However, if you have a more severe cavity that […]
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Prioritizing Cavity Treatment
Through our daily hygiene routines, we fight plaque buildup and remove food debris from our teeth. These actions lower our risks for dental decay. However, they will not be effective at stopping or reversing the damage that has already been done by a cavity. To stop a cavity, you need to see your dentist. At […]
Replacing An Extracted Tooth
The goal during a restorative dental procedure is to take care of your smile and oral health while making the most conservative care possible. Unfortunately, there are times when a tooth needs to be extracted in order for us to move forward with treatment. At our West Allis, WI dentist’s office, we can take care […]
Effective Treatment For A Severe Cavity
At a routine dental checkup, you can find out that you have a cavity before the problem is even serious enough to cause you discomfort. Once identified, this is an issue that we can treat with a a custom dental filling that protects your tooth and preserves your smile. So what will happen if you […]
3 Things To Know About Tooth Extraction
One reason to take preventive dental care seriously is that it will help you avoid potential problems that become serious enough to make tooth extraction necessary. When problems like advanced dental decay reach a certain point, you can be left with no option but to have a problem tooth removed and replaced. While our West […]
Will My Filling Attract Unwanted Attention?
The unpleasant news that you have a cavity can come with many negative feelings. You can worry about the state of your tooth, and what this problem says about the current state of your oral hygiene routine. You may also find yourself concerned about what you will look like after the appropriate restorative dental work […]