Chances are you’ve heard of a root canal – but, do you know why you may need root canal therapy? The procedure is performed when the tooth nerve becomes infected or the center of the tooth (called the pulp) becomes damaged. Root canal therapy is used to clean out the inside of the tooth, ensuring […]
Could You Benefit From Dental Implants?
If you’ve dealt with gum disease or decay, you may have lost a tooth or a couple teeth to it, unfortunately. While this is fairly common when we have too much bacteria in our mouths, it’s still unhealthy to go without replacing these teeth. Your other teeth could become susceptible to further damage without restoring […]
Don’t Forget Your Dental Benefits
Next week is Thanksgiving, which means the holiday season is upon us. This also means that 2015 is quickly drawing to a close. We like to take the time to remind our patients about their dental benefits. Be sure to schedule an appointment and use them before you lose them. We can help you obtain […]
5 Ways To Avoid Cavities
No one enjoys a cavity and unfortunately, nearly all of us are susceptible to them. However, there are ways to avoid cavities. With the right steps you can significantly reduce your risk of developing tooth decay. Doing so helps you avoid unnecessary discomfort, as well as the risk of infection or possibly even tooth loss. […]
What Do You Know About Teeth Whitening?
If you have a teeth that are stained you may be less than thrilled with your smile. You may need cosmetic treatment to improve the esthetics of your teeth. What do you know about teeth whitening? With this cosmetic treatment we can address your discoloration and help you achieve a brighter, more beautiful smile. […]
Do You Have Questions About Implants?
Losing a tooth can have a negative impact on both the health and appearance of your smile. In order to restore your smile to full function and health you will need to have your lost tooth replaced. A dental implant can provide a lifelike and long lasting tooth replacement option. Do you have questions about […]
What Counts as a Serious Dental Emergency?
When you’re experiencing mouth pain or something in your mouth feels just feels plain wrong, it’s hard to know what qualifies as a serious dental emergency. Regardless of the issue, your first course of action should be to call your dentist and schedule an appointment; the patient coordinator will be able to let you know […]
3 Ways Dental Crowns Restore Damaged Smiles
Fashion changes all the time, but certain things remain the same. Take, for instance, dental crowns. For at least a few thousand years, dental crowns were made of solid gold (or a gold alloy) and were as much a flashy display of one’s wealth as they were a dental restoration. These days, ceramic, zirconia, or […]
Why Dental Checkups are Important
In today’s world, we like to stay busy. Productivity experts across the nation agree that in addition to work, more of us are voluntarily spending our time shuttling from classes to committee meetings and sports practices and scheduling our time down to the half hour. That doesn’t leave much time to worry about our teeth […]
Root Canal Therapy: An Overview
Root canal therapy is usually recommended if a deep cavity or traumatic injury has exposed the innermost layer of the tooth, the pulp. Made up of soft tissue, blood vessels, and nerves, the pulp runs through the bottom of the tooth and serves as a lifeline for hydration and nutrients. If the pulp becomes infected, […]