These days, there’s a dietary supplement for nearly every need, from a little boost of energy, to help with weight loss and improved heart health. These supplements help us absorb the nutrients that our bodies need, but that we may not be receiving adequate amounts of in today’s fast-paced society. You should know that your […]
What Do You Know About Preventive Dentistry?
There are many things you may not know about dentistry – like what material dental crowns are made of or how a dental implant works. But, if there’s one thing you should know, it’s preventive dentistry (and everything about it). While you probably brush and floss your teeth every day, you’re probably not thinking about […]
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Do You Qualify For Dental Implants?
Dental implants have changed the way lost teeth are restored. They’re the only restoration method that can restore the complete functionality of your natural tooth – including continuing to stimulate your jawbone, maintaining its growth and shape. But, in order to do that, they’re placed directly into your gum tissue until they reach the jawbone. […]
Can You Prevent TMJ?
TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder (also referred to as TMD), is a condition that affects your jaw, its joints, and surrounding muscles. TMJ occurs when there is an issue in your temporomandibular joints – the ‘hinges’ that connect your jaw structure to your skull. Unfortunately, this is what helps you to open and close your […]
Do You Want A Brighter Smile?
Unfortunately there are several factors that can stain your teeth and cause them to become discolored. The discoloration does get worse with age, but can often be treated through cosmetic dentistry. However, there are two different types of stains: those on the outer layer of your teeth (extrinsic), and those affecting the inner structure (intrinsic). […]
Do You Need A Root Canal?
Few procedures tend to worry people like a root canal. However, we’ve found most anxiety about this procedure is due to misinformation. In reality, many find the experience comparable to receiving a simple dental filling. Without this procedure, an infection or abscess could cause someone to eventually lose his or her tooth. Do you need […]
What Damages Your Tooth Enamel?
Tooth decay and cavities are two of the most common dental conditions across all ages – from children to seniors. Most people are aware that an excessive consumption of sugars can lead to cavities, but are unaware of how this actually happens. Before the cavity can form, tooth decay forms and begins eroding the tough […]
Understanding The Causes Behind Tooth Loss
As children, we end up losing majority of our teeth (besides molars) at some point – although new, ‘permanent’ teeth always replaced the holes they left behind. However, if you lose an adult tooth, the circumstances are quite different. There are three leading causes behind tooth loss; advanced periodontitis (gum disease), severe tooth decay, and […]
Cavities: The Importance Of Early Detection
Cavities are formed from tooth decay that wears through the outer layer of your tooth (enamel). Once the decay reaches the softer, inner layers of your tooth (dentin), it creates the holes that are known as cavities. If left without treatment, a cavity can begin to spread and infect other parts of your inner tooth […]
When Do You Need An Emergency Dentist?
A dental emergency should be dealt with immediately as it’s often the difference between losing or saving your tooth. Unfortunately, accidents so rarely occur at convenient times – like during normal business hours. Depending on the situation, you may need to visit an emergency dentist. It can be difficult to differentiate between emergent and non-emergent […]