When you think about how you can improve your smile care, make sure you think about more than just how you can avoid difficulties with cavities. You also need to protect your gums from infection, as complications from periodontal problems can have significant impact on your quality of life. Those who suffer from advanced gum […]
Staying Current With Dental Exams
Your dental exams are important because they help you avoid trouble with your dental and periodontal health. By effectively caring for your smile, you can have an easier time maintaining confidence in your appearance, and you can do more to benefit your general well-being than you may realize. Unless told otherwise by your dentist, plan […]
Caring For Patients Who Need Extractions
Why should you make restorative dental work a priority when you have an active oral health issue? One reason is that you can suffer from pain and sensitivity issues until you receive the appropriate care. Another is that without timely support, a problem with your oral health can leave a tooth in such poor condition […]
Planning Treatment To Whiten Teeth
If you are tired of trying to whiten your teeth on your own, bring up your dissatisfaction with your enamel color to your West Allis, WI dentist! Plans to whiten your teeth through a professional treatment can lead to exciting changes, and that can give you a significant confidence boost. We offer whitening as one […]
Using A Crown To Protect A Cracked Tooth
While our teeth are certainly strong, they are not completely safe against damage. If you are not careful, or if you have the misfortunate of suffering a physical injury, you can crack your enamel, and that can lead to serious oral health concerns. A person who cracks a tooth and goes without treatment can go […]
How Do I Avoid Severe Tooth Decay?
Severe tooth decay is certainly something you should try to avoid! Even if it is caught early, a cavity will require treatment from your dentist. Until that treatment occurs, decay will spread and do more permanent harm to your enamel. Eventually, damage will expose you to an infection that can spread within your tooth and […]
Seeking A Root Canal For Tooth Pain
By putting off treatment to discuss tooth pain, you can let a real problem go unaddressed, and that can lead to difficult complications. You can avoid problems when you combine good daily behaviors with routine checkups at your dentist’s office. Our West Allis, WI dentist’s office can provide ongoing support, but remember that we are […]
Gum Disease And Your Alzheimer’s Risks
Maintaining a healthy smile can do more than just preserve your appearance and dental function. By sticking to good oral hygiene habits and protecting your teeth and gums, you can lower your risk for potentially serious health concerns! Research has found a potential link between gum disease and your risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease. The […]
Should I Worry About Gum Disease?
When you think about what counts as a “healthy” smile, how much thought do you give your gums? When you fail to manage your periodontal health, you can experience more difficulties than you anticipate. One potentially serious issue that you can deal with is tooth loss, as bacteria can gradually damage the tissues that hold […]
Discussing Veneers And Their Benefits
How do you feel about your smile today? Has your confidence waned over time? Have you always had some doubts about your appearance, and wished you could make improvements? For many different people with different smile concerns, veneers can be an effective cosmetic solution! Our West Allis, WI dentist’s office is happy to meet with […]