
Timely Restorative Work Can Preserve Your Smile

How much good can dental work really do when you have a problem with your smile? Whether your issue is with a cavity or dental injury, our West Allis, WI dental practice can provide support through care that preserves your appearance and also lets you maintain a natural and comfortable bite. Because we offer different treatment options while generally prioritizing the preservation of your smile, we can offer positive results for both significant issues and superficial problems. We can also provide ongoing preventive services that help you avoid trouble in the future that makes treatments necessary.

We Can Take On Different Issues With Discreet Restorations

Whether you come to us for restorative dental work or hope to arrange cosmetic treatment to hide minor enamel damage, we can provide results that make you happy with the state of your smile. For issues like tooth decay that make restorative work necessary, we can provide the right results with fillings and crowns that closely match enamel. If a chip or crack in your tooth does not require restorative treatment, a conservative approach to cosmetic dentistry can ensure that you feel good about your smile!

Using Lifelike Fillings And Crowns In Response To Cavity Issues

Our dental fillings and dental crowns are capable of closely matching your healthy enamel and preserving your appearance. For cavities, these restorations provide the right protection so that you can bite and chew without difficulty, but they also take care to blend in with your smile. Fillings are the more conservative option, one that will only cover the area of a tooth affected by decay. When a larger cavity forms, or when a tooth injury is more serious, we can provide protection with a dental crown that is custom-made to fit over the tooth.

Taking On Problems With Physical Tooth Trauma

Physical injuries and wear and tear can affect the shape and general look of your teeth. These issues are often treatable with cosmetic dental work. The cosmetic treatments we offer are able to minimize the changes that ultimately take place to your tooth structure. With porcelain veneers, we are able to hide problems while only making changes to the front surfaces of teeth, which means the surrounding structure does not have to be altered.

Talk To Your West Allis, WI Dentist About Timely, Lifelike Restorative Treatment

You can count on lifelike dental services when you visit our practice, which means you can have trouble with your smile completely cared for without seeing a change in your appearance. We are happy to meet with you to discuss any concerns you have about your oral health and appearance, and we are also here to provide continued preventive support to help you avoid new troubles. If you would like to find out more, reach out to Dr. Stubbs in West Allis, WI, by calling (414) 541-8250.