
Is There An Effective Way To Whiten Teeth At Home?

Is an in-office dental treatment really going to be necessary if you want a whiter smile? Completely relying on at-home care can have limited benefits. However, you can take home a more potent whitening treatment at our West Allis, WI dentist’s office! With a personalized treatment kit, you can see positive results as you steadily break apart the stains that have built up over time. In doing so, you can make your teeth appear healthier and give your smile a more youthful quality. We should note that we can provide in-office care to take care of intrinsic discoloration. This refers to problems within the tooth structure, not issues with external stains, that can make people embarrassed by their appearance.

Is It Time For You To Schedule Treatment For Dental Discoloration?

If you feel embarrassed over the color of your smile, you should look into how treatment can help you. With the right approach, you can fight the stains that you have picked up over time and stop feeling bothered by the way you look. There are treatment options that you can find at the store, but they can have limited benefits beyond removing recently acquired enamel stains. To fight those stains that have settled and worsened over time, we can provide a personalized whitening kit, one that comes with advanced bleaching agents as well as trays that help with the application process.

Using Your Personalized Whitening Treatment

You can take home a teeth whitening kit that is prepared for your individual use. In addition to receiving potent whitening agents from our office, you will find that your kit contains trays that make their application easier. The daily treatment process will have you apply these materials for thirty to forty-five minutes each day. Over time, the stains that affect your smile will break apart, leading to your smile becoming brighter and more attractive.

Taking Care Of Intrinsic Discoloration

Sometimes, it is recommended that patients have in-office treatment to take care of discoloration. By evaluating you, we can determine if you need help with internal blemishes that have affected your smile color. This kind of problem can be effectively hidden with porcelain veneers, a set of thin, durable shells that will cover flaws that have made you self-conscious. They also take care of worries over wear and tear, chips and cracks in teeth, problems with spacing, and naturally occurring problems with tooth shape and size!

Talk To Your West Allis, WI Dentist About Fighting Discoloration!

By effectively fighting dental discoloration with a take-home teeth whitening kit, you can enjoy a convenient form of cosmetic care that offers lasting value for your smile. If you would like to find out more about this service and its benefits, reach out to Dr. Stubbs in West Allis, WI, by calling (414) 541-8250.