What efforts are you making to protect and preserve your smile? When you think about what it takes to keep up with an appearance that makes you confident, you should think about your periodontal as well as your dental health. Problems with your gums can lead to unwelcome cosmetic changes; when they grow more serious, […]
Month: September 2021
Safely Removing And Replacing A Problem Tooth
When a dental problem becomes too serious, it can take away your dentist’s options when it comes to restoring your tooth’s health. In a situation like this, we can recommend an extraction, an important step in a larger plan to fully restore your smile. Your West Allis, WI dentist can safely extract your tooth, which […]
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When An Older Crown Is No Longer Secure
You will need a restoration after your tooth undergoes treatment for a cavity, or because you experienced a tooth injury. The good news is that in addition to providing restorations that imitate healthy enamel, we can provide fillings and crowns that are up to the challenge of protecting your smile for many years! However, that […]
Keep Scheduling Regular Dental Exams
Has too much time passed since you last had a preventive dental appointment? Unless you are following your dentist’s directions by following a different schedule, you should make a point of scheduling preventive care every six months. These regular appointments provide valuable feedback about the state of your smile, and they can deliver prompt care […]