
Ready To Ask About Dental Veneers?

People decide to talk to their dentist about cosmetic work for different reasons, and under different circumstances. For some, the big motivator is an important upcoming event where they want to look their best. For others, this decision is one that builds gradually due to increasing concerns about discoloration, wear and tear, or another issue. At our West Allis, WI dental practice, we are prepared to meet with patients and learn what we can do to improve their smiles. One service that helps many people is the placement of custom porcelain veneers. When you receive your veneers, you can start to show off a smile that is radically different – your teeth can look brighter, more uniform, and more symmetrical!

What Would You Like To Change About Your Smile?

Are you primarily concerned with dental discoloration? Do you have a problem with the shape or size of certain teeth that have always seemed out of place in your smile? Did physical trauma change the way you look? In all of these situation, porcelain veneers can be effective. Veneers are thin shells that cover only the front surfaces of teeth. That coverage is enough to provide significant changes, which can actually lead to all of your smile anxieties being resolved!

How Veneers Help Your Smile

Porcelain veneers are custom-made shells that we produce to place directly onto the front surfaces of teeth. With careful planning and minor preparatory work, we can make this process a permanent solution for your smile flaws. The area of coverage they provide can effectively transform your smile.

While they are not the only solution to problems with discoloration, veneers are sometimes the approach recommended. Why suggest this service over teeth whitening treatment? With veneers, we can cover up problems with intrinsic discoloration, a type of discoloration that stems from changes in your tooth structure.

Other Cosmetic Services To Discuss

Teeth whitening treatments are popular services, as many people have at least some concern around the color of their enamel. Professional solutions can provide the kind of results that you can find hard to match with a store bought product. In some situations, we may actually recommend that you receive a dental crown for a tooth instead of a veneer. The reason for this is that a crown can provide a degree of functional support that a veneer cannot match.

Talk To Your West Allis, WI Dentist’s Office About Cosmetic Treatment!

The right cosmetic procedure can make an amazing change to the way you look! Cosmetic services can take on problems with the color, shape, and size of teeth. Thanks to the use of porcelain veneers, we can actually take on these different issues with as little as one service. To find out more, please reach out to our West Allis, WI dentist’s office at 414.541.8250!