
Porcelain Veneers Provide New Smiles

west allis veneers

Our team can offer a dental restoration designed purely to address cosmetic issues with the health and beauty of your smile! Porcelain veneers are a dental restoration that can be designed to blend with your smile. In today’s blog, your West Allis, WI, dentist about how we offer new smiles with porcelain veneers.

Creating Porcelain Restorations

Every veneer we provide for our patients has been custom-made for their smile specifically. To do so, we will start by numbing the tooth or teeth receiving treatment. We then gently and carefully remove a thin layer, making room for the veneer. Next, we take detailed digital images and measurements of the tooth, which we can use in our dental lab to design and craft the finished product. The porcelain material we use can handle daily bite forces and pressures, and is translucent like natural tooth enamel. We will color-match the material to blend with your smile seamlessly.

Placing Your Completed Restorations

When your veneers are ready, you will return to the office so we can check the fit and if necessary, make some final adjustments. We then attach the completed restorations with a powerful bonding agent. This is the same kind we use to support crowns and bridges, so your new restorations can stay in place for years to come. To keep them bright and safeguard the teeth we’ve connected them to, you need to maintain good oral hygiene. At home, you should brush and floss daily and eat a healthy diet, one low in sugar and starch. Avoid tobacco products too! You should also see us every six months for a checkup and cleaning, so we can watch for signs of trouble in the early stages, and clean the teeth to remove harmful plaque and tartar. This not only safeguards your restorations, but your entire smile too.

The Smile Makeover Potential

Our team could combine them with other treatment options to provide a smile makeover. For example, we could whiten teeth beforehand so your finished product matches your brightest smile. We could use bonding and contouring to address the side and rear teeth, reserving the restorations for the more front facing ones. We could also discuss treatments to address other cosmetic concerns, like misalignment. If you have any questions about how our team will diagnose and treat cosmetic concerns, or about porcelain veneers in particular, then contact our team today to learn more. Everyone deserves a smile that makes them feel confident!

Talk to Our West Allis Team About Cosmetic Dentistry

With our cosmetic treatments, we can offer a stunning smile in just two visits. To learn more about your smile makeover potential and our cosmetic treatment options, give us a call at Stubbs Family Dentistry at (414)541-8250 today!