
Keep Up With Your Semiannual Checkups

Arms Crossed Man West Allis WiOne of the most essential steps in the maintenance of your smile is coming into the dental office for a checkup. Most people require these appointments every six months, so if it has been longer than that, reach out to your dentist and schedule your next visit. If you dentist has put you on a schedule of accelerated visits due to certain genetic or environmental conditions, you should listen to them and follow your specific guidelines.

At our dental office in West Allis, WI, we understand the value of preventive care. Set aside some time to speak with your provider and make the effort in your dentistry with a routine cleaning and examination. Your visit starts with a thorough cleaning of the surface of your teeth, allowing you to be free of your harmful bacterial buildup of plaque and tartar. Even with a dedicated approach to brushing and flossing, you still need the assistance of a trained oral health professional from time to time. In addition, your examination portion is vital to your smile success, so schedule your appointment today!

Your Semiannual Checkup Helps You To Have A Cleaner Smile

The first step in your appointment with the dentist is a cleaning of the surface of your teeth, and this is vital in helping you to avoid tooth decay and gum disease. As bacteria feed upon particles of food within your mouth, they produce an acidic film known as plaque. This initial phase of this material can be brushed off, but if you allow it to remain, it can become an even more damaging substance.

When plaque calcifies into tartar, you become no longer able to safely remove it on your own. At this point, you need to see a trained dental professional to clean your smile of your tartar accumulation. Discover the benefits of a smile free of plaque and tartar with your visit!

Taking Positive Smile Improvement Steps With An Examination During Your Checkup

In addition to your thorough smile cleaning during your appointment, you will also receive a visual examination and any necessary imagery. This portion of your semiannual checkup helps your dentist to keep an eye on any problem developments, and also to help you find treatment solutions. If you are struggling with tooth decay, you may require a composite filling, for instance. Be sure to speak with your provider about the strength of your gums, as well. Your periodontal health plays a huge role in the vitality of your smile!

Schedule Your Next Semiannual Checkup With Dr. Stubbs, DDS in West Allis, WI

If it has been longer than you can remember since your last trip to the dentist, it is time for your next semiannual checkup. To learn more about the benefits of prevention, give us a call at Stubbs Family Dentistry at (414)541-8250.