
Cosmetic Solutions For An Uneven Smile

Whether you have a specific issue you can point to or a more general frustration with the way you look, it can be hard to live with an uneven smile. There are different reasons why people have teeth that look awkward, or why their smile has an asymmetrical quality. Fortunately, there are also effective solutions to problems with the way you look that our West Allis, WI dental practice can explore with you. To fix poor symmetry related to problems with teeth spacing, we can recommend that you use ClearCorrect Aligners. If you need to address problems with the shape, size, or condition of certain teeth that hurt how you look, we can talk to you about the positive impact that porcelain veneers can have on how you look.

Your Embarrassment Over An Asymmetrical Smile

Symmetry is one of many qualities we want to see in a smile, and it is one that can be important to the overall quality of your appearance. Unfortunately, it is also a quality that can be easy to disrupt. If you have an issue with a single tooth that appears out of place, discolored, or the wrong size, it can have an overall negative effect on the way you look. You can also have problems if your teeth are not in the appropriate alignment. The good news is that the right cosmetic dental procedure can help you. Based on your needs and concerns, we can help you explore the advantages to different services.

Using Clear Aligners To Fix Problems With Spacing

When you have teeth that are not in proper alignment, you can feel uneasy about the way you look, but you can also feel some unease about your treatment options. What you should know is that metal braces are not the only solution for problems with the way that teeth are aligned. What you can look into instead is an adjustment with ClearCorrect Aligners. With your custom aligners, you can make changes to the way you look without drawing undesired attention to the presence of your appliances. Your treatment can fix gaps and overlaps so that they no longer make you self-conscious about the way you look.

Using Veneers To Make Your Smile Uniform

With porcelain veneers, we can fix issues with specific teeth, including issues with poor alignment. These thin restorations are made to cover the front surfaces of teeth while minimizing the overall changes needed to complete care. Once in place, your custom restorations can offer improvements to tooth shape, size, color, and alignment, leading to a more uniform and attractive appearance.

Talk To Your West Allis, WI Dentist’s Office About Improving The Look Of Your Uneven Smile!

With the right cosmetic procedure, you can see remarkable improvements to the way you look that give you renewed confidence in your overall appearance! If you would like to learn more, reach out to Dr. Stubbs in West Allis, WI, by calling (414) 541-8250.