
Cosmetic Treatment For Several Teeth

The right cosmetic service can take care of a tooth that stands out because it is misshapen or discolored, as well as when there are concerns about visible damage. It can be exciting to know that the right procedure is able to improve the look of a tooth that currently hurts the quality of your smile. However, you can find the idea of cosmetic dentistry intimidating when you are concerned about the appearance of several teeth. At our West Allis, WI dentist’s office, we can recommend an approach to smile care that will help you resolve all of your current concerns. Through full-mouth cosmetic care, we can ensure that all of your worries about the way you look are resolved!

What Can You Do When You Want To Improve The Appearance Of Several Teeth?

If you want to take on several flaws that affect several teeth, it can be hard to know where you should start with cosmetic dentistry. What change should happen first? How much good can one cosmetic service really do? Will you need to rely on more than just cosmetic services? At our practice, we can help when patients’ goals for treatment appear ambitious or intimidating. When taking on these full-mouth cases, we can help break down what services might be right for an individual, in what order they should take place, and how we can ensure that you see lasting benefits!

Planning Cosmetic Services With Veneers

Through cosmetic dentistry, we can hide flaws that concern the shape and size of teeth, address discoloration, and cover concerns over gaps and overlaps. There are significant improvements we can make to the way certain teeth look when we provide porcelain veneers for coverage. These restorations can be placed in just two appointments. After they are in position, they can offer long-term support.

Restoring Or Replacing Teeth Through Restorative Treatment

Sometimes, the right approach to smile improvement is one that also focuses on a person’s oral health. Through the placement of dental crowns on unhealthy teeth or dental implant-held restorations to address tooth loss, we can make significant improvements in how you look. The dental work we engage in can provide cosmetic and functional value, giving you a long-term confidence boost in both the way you look and your ability to bite and chew.

Talk To Your West Allis, WI Dentist About Cosmetically Restoring Your Smile

Fully restoring your smile may take more than one procedure. Fortunately, Stubbs Family Dentistry is prepared to take you through the different services needed to help you see your ideal results. If you would like to find out more about how we can take care of your smile and oral health, please reach out to Dr. Stubbs in West Allis, WI, by calling (414) 541-8250.