
3 Actions That Help Protect Your Smile

Is your current oral hygiene routine keeping you safe from threats like dental decay and gum disease? You may feel that it is…until you see your dentist again and learn that you need restorative dental work! Better oral health care is a concern for many people. What you can find is that the right adjustments in your daily habits can have a positive impact. If you are unsure of what to address, or if you are past due for a dental checkup, visit your West Allis, WI dentist’s office. At your appointment, we can provide important feedback, talk to you about your current routine, and determine if you have any issues that we need to address.

1. Schedule Dental Checkups On A Regular Basis

If you do not see your dentist on a consistent basis, you deprive yourself of important preventive services. At these appointments, you will learn whether you need help to deal with dental decay or gum disease. You can also undergo a teeth cleaning that will remove harmful plaque and tartar deposits that make you more vulnerable to future problems with your smile. Patients who have questions or concerns about their oral hygiene routine can use these meetings as an opportunity to pick up helpful tips, and to learn how they might be leaving themselves vulnerable to oral health issues.

2. Make The Choice To Drink More Water

Your daily diet choices matter for more than just your general health. If you stick to food and drink choices that do not control your sugar intake, you can have a difficult time avoiding problems that call for restorative dental work. However, if you maintain a nutrient-rich diet and drink plenty of water, you can actually lower your risk for problems. One reason for this is that it helps you wash away food debris during meals and snacks. Another is that it helps you maintain better hydration levels, something that helps your body more effectively protect your smile throughout the day.

3. Look For Ways To Positively Change Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Are you holding onto the same toothbrush for too long? Is your flossing routine really as effective as it could be? What toothpaste should you use? These are questions that your dentist can help you answer. Generally speaking, it is important that you brush at least twice a day and floss at least once. Take the time when caring for your smile to thoroughly clean every tooth and reach areas that are difficult to access.

Talk To Your West Allis, WI Dentist About Protecting Your Smile

Through the right behaviors at home, and through regular trips to see your dentist, you can protect your smile from potential harm caused by dental decay and gum disease. To schedule your next visit with us, call our West Allis, WI dentist’s office at 414.541.8250!