west allis teeth whitening

Teeth Whitening Helps Your Smile Really Shine

Do you have teeth stains? These can impact all smiles, and are often the results of the foods and drinks we consume, as well as our oral hygiene habits. But to remove them and offer teeth several shades brighter, you need professional teeth whitening. In today’s blog, your West Allis, WI, dentist looks at our in-office teeth whitening treatment.

The Causes of Your Dental Discoloration

What causes our teeth to develop these unsightly yellow and brown stains? For some, this could be due to plaque buildup, which makes stains more apparent. Plaque buildup itself is the result of poor brushing and flossing habits and a diet high in sugar and starch. Drinks with dark pigments, such as soda, red wine, coffee, and tea could also discolor your teeth. Lack of professional cleanings to remove the plaque and tartar could also be a factor. As part of your teeth whitening visit, we will examine your smile to assess the cause and severity of your teeth stains.

A Brighter Smile in Under an Hour

Our teeth whitening treatment can brighten your smile in under an hour! This is an in-office treatment that begins with our team placing a protective covering over your lips and gums, and then applying the bleaching gel to the teeth. A special light is then used to activate the bleaching ingredients in the gel to remove teeth stains. We could repeat the process multiple times as needed, and most people see optimal results in as little as an hour. When you leave our office, you do so with a much brighter smile!

Keeping Your Teeth Shining

Following your teeth whitening treatment, you can take steps to help manage your smile’s appearance and keep your teeth shining for longer periods. For example, make time to brush and floss every day, and try to cut down on the sugar and starch in your diet. Drink plenty of water and reduce your consumption of beverages with dark pigments. You should also make an appointment with our team for a checkup and cleaning every six months, so we can monitor your smile’s appearance and also remove the plaque and tartar that makes stains visible.

If you have any questions about how our team will brighten your smile with professional teeth whitening, or if you want to schedule a visit to get started, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help your smile truly shine!

Ask Our Team About Removing Unsightly Discoloration

We want to help you enjoy a brighter smile, one that makes you feel confident. To do so, we can offer cosmetic dentistry. To schedule an appointment with Stubbs Family Dentistry in West Allis, WI, call our team today at 414-541-8250.