west allis dental fillings

Placing Dental Fillings That Shine

When you have a cavity, we want to offer help that can look natural and ensure the comfort and health of your smile. With our metal-free composite resin dental fillings, we can offer relief in one visit! In today’s blog, your West Allis, WI, dentist discusses how we place our natural-looking dental fillings.

When A Tooth Needs a Restoration

When does a tooth need to receive a dental filling? These restorations are designed to address tooth decay and offer a lifelike appearance and long-lasting restoration. If you attend six-month checkup and cleaning visits, then our team can identify cavities in the earliest stages, often before you develop symptoms like toothaches or sensitivity. Otherwise, once you notice pain in your tooth the decay could be in a more advanced state and the risk of infection could be much higher! When you have persistent pain in a tooth, let us know so we can conduct a diagnosis and see if you need treatment. If so, we can help in one visit with a dental filling!

Composite Resin

While metal is an effective material for a dental filling, this could be unsafe for some patients. Metal also changes shape with time, which increases the risk of further decay or infection. But we use a metal-free and biocompatible composite resin, which bonds with the tooth. The material can also be color matched to blend with the rest of your smile. We also use the same material in our dental bonding procedures to offer a natural-looking solution for a host of cosmetic imperfections.

Treating Your Cavity

When you arrive, we will numb the tooth being treated and then gently remove decay from it. Once this step is done, we thoroughly clean the tooth and may etch portions of the outer structure. We then apply the prepared composite resin in several layers. As the material cures beneath a light, we will sculpt and mold the tooth to ensure proper bite balance and a lifelike appearance. The last step is to polish the tooth. In one visit, we stop your decay and offer results that blend with your smile. With dental bonding, the same material can mask teeth stains and close black triangle spaces between teeth. We can even repair minor damage too!

If you have any questions about how we treat tooth decay or mask cosmetic imperfections with our composite resin fillings and bonding, then contact our team today.


Our team wants to help you enjoy good oral health and avoid painful symptoms or the risk of infection. To find out more about lifelike treatment for tooth decay, talk to our team at Stubbs Family Dentistry at (414)541-8250 today!