
Fixing Smile Flaws With Clear Aligners

How comfortable are you with your smile? People who have issues with their teeth spacing can be less confident in the way they look, but the idea of metal braces can be less than appealing. For those who want to enjoy treatment without a fixed appliance, our West Allis, WI dentist’s office can offer an alternative in the form of ClearCorrect aligner treatment! With your personalized aligners, you will be able to gradually fix the issues with your smile so that you no longer have to feel unhappy with your appearance. We can offer this as a treatment option along with other services that take on different flaws that can negatively impact how you look.

Are You Tired Of Feeling Embarrassed By Poor Teeth Spacing?

Poor teeth spacing can be a source of embarrassment. While this is not a consequence of poor oral health, it still hurts the quality of your smile. It also leaves you more susceptible to issues that can affect your oral health than you might realize. Fortunately, there are conservative solutions available to you, which means you can proceed with treatment even if you do not like the idea of wearing metal braces. Your clear aligners will offer a discreet means of taking on this problem so that you can fix awkward gaps and overlaps.

Using ClearCorrect Clear Aligners To Take Care Of Your Smile

With ClearCorrect appliances, we are able to resolve problems with your appearance that have made you unhappy with how you look. The aligners are designed to offer a personalized care experience, one that will fix spacing issues that are specific to you. Each one in your set will be worn for a designated length of time. While you should keep your aligners in for as much time as possible to stay on track with treatment, you can remove them whenever you are preparing to eat or clean your teeth.

What Else Can Your Dentist Do To Improve How You Look?

There are other cosmetic dental services that we can provide to our patients. With porcelain veneers, we can hide some spacing problems, and we can also fix issues with dental damage, teeth that appear dull or discolored, and problems with tooth shape and size. Another solution is treatment to remove enamel stains and brighten teeth, which we can do through the use of advanced teeth whitening agents.

Talk To Your West Allis, WI Dentist About Treatment With Clear Aligners

Through treatment with ClearCorrect clear aligners, you will be able to fix problems with teeth that are not evenly spaced. If you would like to find out more about how we can help you though this or another treatment, reach out to Dr. Stubbs in West Allis, WI, by calling (414) 541-8250.