
Is Teeth Whitening Safe for Seniors?

Handsome Senior is Happy Knowing that Teeth Whitening Can Work for HimUsing teeth whitening products to remove built up stains and brighten the enamel offers an affordable, easy-to-use, and reliable way for you to turn the clock back on your smile. Seniors are interested in using teeth whitening enhance the youthfulness of their smiles, but many wonder whether teeth whitening is safe for them. The U.S. teeth whitening industry produces a yearly revenue of over $300 million and offers hundreds of different products, from whitening pens and laser whitening treatments to toothpastes, mouthwashes, and strips available at the drug store.  Understanding the few extra considerations senior need to make before opting for a teeth whitening treatment will help you make the wisest decision for your needs.

Special Concerns for Senior Smiles

With age comes many changes in the health needs of your smile. These changes can also require your dentist to develop a comprehensive understanding of your oral health before recommending cosmetic dental treatments. Conditions that may interfere with professional teeth whitening include sensitive gum tissue and dry mouth, which can be irritated by whitening. Older people are also more likely to have tooth decay, two oral health problems that must be addressed before proceeding with teeth whitening.

Best Practice for Teeth Whitening

The ADA recommends that if you want to whiten your teeth, your best bet is to choose to professionally whiten your teeth with the help of a cosmetic dentist.  Surprisingly, most general dentists double are also highly trained in cosmetic dentistry, so your regular dentist might just be the right person to match you with the right teeth whitening treatment.

Whiten Responsibly

If you’re interested in brightening your smile, your first stop should be your dentist’s office. He can help you choose which type of teeth whitening product will work best for you and, more importantly, he can give you a reasonable estimate regarding how white your teeth will look after treatment, to help you manage your expectations. Following your dentist’s recommendation regarding using your whitening trays or touch up kit will help you enjoy a brighter smile without damaging your enamel.