
Is it Time for Root Canal Therapy?

Warning signs and symptoms are two different things when it comes to your oral health. You brush your teeth and floss regularly to prevent bacteria from growing and causing problems. If you fall behind on your home care routine, you may not notice the effects right away. That’s because tooth decay takes time. There aren’t always clear warning signs that a problem is developing. More likely, you’ll notice you have a problem once you develop symptoms. When you notice tooth pain, redness in your gums, or prominent discoloration, you’ve already got a problem. If infection spreads to the pulp of your tooth before you act, you may need root canal therapy.

Your Root Canals Connect to Other Tissues

Bacteria will continue eating away at your tooth until there is nothing left. Microorganisms produce acid which wears down your enamel. The further into your tooth bacteria travel, the worse the condition. Your tooth’s pulp is found at the center of the tooth and it is incredibly sensitive. It is also connected to the root canals, which lead to other tissues in the mouth. Once bacteria arrive here, they can potentially spread throughout the body and cause further medical issues. That’s where root canal therapy helps.

Root Canal Therapy Cleans the Area of Bacteria

Root canal therapy is performed by your dentist, and involves creating a small hole in the tooth. Your dentist can then access the interior of your tooth and clean out any infected pulp from the roots before filling and patching the tooth with a soft rubber compound. A dental crown covers the vulnerable tooth to keep it safe. This process both cleans and protects your infected tooth.

Ask Your Dentist if it’s Time for Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy has a reputation as a tough dental procedure. However, with the use of local anesthetic, the entire process becomes hassle-free. Root canal therapy can save at-risk teeth from more serious decay, or even tooth loss. Talk to Dr. Stubbs and his staff about how root canal therapy can help you. Contact Stubbs Family Dentistry in West Allis, WI at 414-541-8250.