west allis cavity prevention

Avoiding Cavities During The Holiday Season

The holiday season is gearing up, which means your schedule is going to be a lot more hectic. This also means you may be inundated with foods high in sugar and starch. We want to make sure you can make decisions that keep your smile strong throughout the holiday season and beyond! In today’s blog, your West Allis, WI, dentist discusses tips for staying cavity-free during the holidays.

Sugar, Starch, and Cavities

Many of our favorite dishes and desserts during the holidays are high in sugar and starch, or sometimes both at the same time. When we eat foods with these ingredients, the particles of sugar and starch can become trapped on or between the teeth. Harmful oral bacteria will then consume them, which coats the teeth in plaque and can weaken enamel or irritate the gums, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. We suggest limiting items high in sugar and starch, and following them with a glass of water to help rinse the mouth. You can also add fresh fruits and veggies to your plate, such as carrots, broccoli, or apples, which can help scrub away plaque as you eat them. When you are finished with your meal, excuse yourself to floss and remove trapped food and drink particles right away.

Caring for Your Smile at Home

You can also help with good oral hygiene habits at home. For example, start each day by brushing your teeth for two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste. You should do the same before going to bed that night. You also need to floss every evening before you brush the second time. When you floss, run the tape up and down each side of every tooth and dip beneath the gum line. These actions help remove the particles a toothbrush cannot reach, so you are less likely to develop cavities or gum disease.

See Us Now

You can also see our team now so you can receive a checkup and cleaning, or even treatment, before the holiday season becomes too hectic. You also have a chance to use your remaining 2024 dental insurance benefits or health savings account funds before they expire at the end of the month. We can help you end 2024 and start 2205 with a brighter and healthier smile. If you have any questions about how to protect your oral health, then contact our team today to learn more.

Ask Our Team About Protecting Your Oral Health

Our team wants to make sure you can end the year with a bright and healthy smile. To schedule an appointment with Stubbs Family Dentistry in West Allis, WI, call our team today at 414-541-8250.