West Allis, WI, dentist offers dental crown to restore teeth

Crowns Provide Support To Damaged Teeth

Your team at Stubbs Family Dentistry in West Allis, WI, offers several restorative options to maintain your smile’s health and appearance. Whether you have a cavity that needs to be filled, or have injured a tooth, we can help find a solution for these types of harm. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about dental crowns to repair your pearly whites after injuries like chips, cracks, and extreme wear.

Protect The Visible Part Of Your Tooth

Your tooth’s crown is the part above your gums that you can see. If you injure this part of your dental structure from excessive wear and tear, a crack, or a serious cavity, this can cause discomfort and sensitivity to the area. These types of injuries may happen when playing sports, biting into something too hard, or becoming worn down due to a chronic teeth grinding habit, and should be treated as an emergency. A restorative dental crown can be added on top of the area to protect it from further harm and avoid tooth loss from the damage. This dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that goes over your natural structure.

They Look Natural And Last Many Years

When restoring your smile after damage, we want to prioritize maintaining your pearly white’s natural appearance and function. Your dentist will examine your oral cavity and assess the injury before taking measurements of the area. Digital images may be used to create a custom dental cap to fit over the area. Your new crown may be made of materials such as porcelain, zirconia, or metal depending on your needs and where it is used. A temporary one may be added to protect the area as you wait for your permanent one to be created. When it is ready, it will be bonded in place and can last for many years with proper care and an efficient oral hygiene routine. You will care for this restoration as you would your normal teeth by brushing your teeth daily and seeing your dentist twice a year for checkups.

Addressing More Serious Types Of Damage

Dental crowns can be used for a variety of problems. However, if your tooth has experienced more serious types of damage, or it has been lost due to other conditions, other restorative options may be used instead. Your dentist may decide this is necessary if the area has been infected several times, a severe fracture has occurred, or it cannot be restored back to its original health. Options such as dental implants or dentures can be used to replace missing teeth and improve your smile’s function. Your dentist can help you choose which option may be most suitable for your needs.

Protect Your Tooth After An Infection

This restoration can protect your smile from further harm. To schedule an appointment with Stubbs Family Dentistry in West Allis, WI, call us today at 414-541-8250.