
Is Your Tooth Damaged? How a Crown Can Help

Can a Dental Crown Help Your SmileDid an accident during your weekly game of basketball with the guys leave you with a chipped tooth? Maybe you noticed a crack in one of your teeth the last time you were checking your reflection. Perhaps an iced cold treat is to blame for your recently chipped tooth and heightened sensitivity. Oral injuries are unfortunately common. That doesn’t mean that you have to live with the results, though. Whatever the cause of your tooth’s damage, did you know that a dental crown could likely help? Perhaps the best news of all is that a dental restoration can make your smile look and feel better, so you can get back to enjoying your life confidently again!

Did You Chip, Crack or Otherwise Damage a Tooth?

Though your tooth enamel is strong, that doesn’t mean that the teeth cannot chip or crack. Wearing mouth guards during athletic events and avoiding overly hard foods including ice can help prevent this kind of tooth damage. That said, if you do find yourself with a chip or crack, restorative dentistry can help protect your tooth and prevent worsening problems, which are likely if you leave the issue unaddressed.

In many cases, a dental crown is the best way of treating a chip or crack. That is because a crown is built to protect a fragile tooth, while also bearing the brunt of one’s chewing, which helps to prevent the worsening of chips or cracks with wear. If you choose a porcelain crown, this restoration can also be seamless and beautiful, allowing you to smile confidently and comfortably once again, knowing people will not be staring at a noticeable metal crown.

Remember, prompt restorative treatment is needed anytime you find yourself dealing with an oral health issue, like a chip or crack. That is because even issues that might seem purely cosmetic can lead to bigger problems down the road. It is best to have your dentist thoroughly examine your tooth and smile, if you suffer any injuries to your mouth, or damage to an individual tooth. That way you can help to avoid the possibility of developing an infection or losing a tooth.