
Seniors Guide To Preventing Periodontitis

shutterstock_298301228It can be difficult to perform daily functions with other ailments (like arthritis) that can make these simple tasks excruciatingly painful. But, when it hurts to brush your teeth or stand at the sink too long – how are you supposed to adequately care for your teeth? Do you worry about periodontitis (gum disease)? Besides brushing your teeth (which you should do, often), there are several other things seniors can do to prevent gum disease from damaging their mouth. If you or someone you know is helping an elderly loved one to care for their mouth, this “seniors guide to preventing periodontitis” may help give you some ideas to help them optimize their oral health. Keep in mind that your oral health can easily affect your overall health – whether it’s positively or negatively.

3 Tips To Prevent Periodontitis

1. If arthritis makes it difficult for you or a loved one to brush their teeth, your dentist may recommend using an electric toothbrush to make the process easier. With arthritis, you’re actually at more of a risk for gum disease – doctors believe this is because of the inflammation in your joints. But, you can also find a cordless flosser to make flossing easier, too! Now you won’t have to skip brushing your teeth anymore and you can be on your way to a much healthier mouth.

2. Visiting your dentist more often can greatly reduce your risk of infection. Your dentist will want to clean and check your mouth each visit, but you can rest assured knowing you probably won’t come in contact with periodontitis anytime soon!

3. Do you have dentures? Unfortunately, dentures do not mean that you won’t contract gum disease in the future. In fact, if you don’t keep your dentures clean, you could be increasing your chances of infection. Likewise, dirty dentures can sometimes have a bad odor to them – so if you’ve noticed your breath has been on the smelly side lately, you may want to give your dentures a really good cleaning.