
Could You Benefit From Dental Implants?

shutterstock_107498657If you’ve dealt with gum disease or decay, you may have lost a tooth or a couple teeth to it, unfortunately. While this is fairly common when we have too much bacteria in our mouths, it’s still unhealthy to go without replacing these teeth. Your other teeth could become susceptible to further damage without restoring your mouth back to its previous functionality. Dental work has become so advanced these days that your options for restoration are becoming increasingly more comfortable, in addition to natural looking and feeling. Could you benefit from dental implants? If you have missing teeth, visit your dentist to find out if you would be a good candidate for this restoration method.

Do You Have…

  • Good bone density and clean, healthy gums?
  • Good oral hygiene habits?
  • Gaps that need to be filled in your mouth?
  • Overall healthy teeth?
  • Fully developed bones?

If so, you may be a good candidate for dental implants.

How Do They Work?

Dental implants are installed into your gum and jaw bone, where they will (over a period of time) physically fuse with your bone in order to create a stable and permanent restoration option.

How Do I Keep Them Clean?

This is one of the added benefits of going with implants – they require very little maintenance and can’t actually be affected from bacteria or decay. As long as you have good oral hygiene habits, I wouldn’t worry about being able to keep them clean and healthy.

What If I Don’t Qualify?

Just because you don’t qualify immediately, you could talk to your dentist about undergoing different procedures in order to restore more bone and gum tissue around your mouth – bettering your chances for accepting dental implants. There are options such as; guided tissue regeneration and bone or tissue grafting that can be done to help and restore your entire mouth.