
Repair Your Smile with Restorative Dentistry

smilewhitegreatWhen it comes to treating our patients who develop problems with their smiles, we are pleased to offer comprehensive restorative dentistry services. We recognize that no patient wants to find out that he or she has a cavity or has experienced some type of infection. However, we are very pleased to provide patients with the relaxing news that we can fix the problem, improve their comfort, restore function, and guide them back toward beautiful, healthy smiles. Wondering how restorative care may work for you? Learn about how we may be able to repair your smile with the following explanations:

We Can Restore Your Teeth

Have you suffered from tooth damage? This occurs in a wide variety of ways. First, you may suffer from a cavity, in which plaque leads to the decay of your tooth tissue, forming a hole. By providing you with a dental filling, we can remove the decay, fill the opening, and restore your comfort, function, and the aesthetic value of your tooth. Or, perhaps you suffer from a severe cavity, a broken tooth, an infection, or something that requires greater support and protection than a filling may offer. In this case, we may suggest a dental crown. Often referred to as a “cap” because of its hollow structure, this artificial tooth allows you to keep your natural tooth, while offering support, coverage, beauty, and long-term protection.

We May Replace Your Teeth

Suffering from tooth loss? Whether you are missing one tooth, many teeth, or all of your teeth, the emotional and physical side effects of losing your teeth can become quite intense. Rather than assume you are without options, we encourage you to speak with us about the teeth replacement options like bridges, full dentures, or partial dentures. Or, you may qualify as a candidate for dental implants. The final result includes a complete, beautiful smile that improves your daily quality of life.

Infected Tooth? We Will Fix That

We offer root canal therapy for patients suffering from infections. Our team will ensure you receive sufficient anesthesia for a comfortable experience. Fortunately, this restorative dentistry service will stop the discomfort, prevent the infection from spreading, and will save the health of your tooth.


Located in West Allis, WI, Michael E. Flynn, DDS, and his talented team of dental care professionals proudly welcome patients from West Allis, Brookfield, Wauwatosa, and all Western Milwaukee communities. To learn more, or to schedule your next appointment, call Stubbs Family Dentistry today at 414-541-8250.